
fear of judgement

where i'm at

enough fucking around

my life is in shambles

at least it certainly feels that way to me

things are obviously fine on the surface

i'm taking time off from work to "work on myself"

i'm hanging out with friends nearly daily while showing less and less of my actual self

i spend most of my time thinking about "what to do" and not doing much of anything

if i'm being honest, i spend most of my time trying to get rid of thoughts that only come back stronger when pushed away

i spend most of my time in fear of

probably in fear of myself

that's bullshit

i'm afraid to fail and to be judged for failing

so i don't even try

then i hate myself for not trying

and inevitably i force myself to try out of self-hatred

which is largely why it feels like my life is in shambles

i'm afraid to admit i don't know things

i'm afraid of looking stupid

afraid of asking for help

and the more i internalize this mindset

the more i project it onto others

leading to where i am at


and often causing others misery in our interactions, whether consciously or not

so that's where i am at right now.

understanding and accepting this deeply is the only place i can possibly begin

where i want to go

fears of failure (and being judged for it), "looking stupid" (being judged as less than), and asking for help (believe it or not being judged for being weak)

these are my working basis

this is where to begin

where do i want to go from here?

i ultimately want to live in joy and bring joy to others

i ultimately want to love myself and love others/the world deeply and truly



there's been countless names for it over the millenias humans have been around

but it seems in my unique path through this life

the way to true joy and love

is blocked by fears of judgement by "other people"

which is why i close off

don't share

let my emotions and thoughts fester

until i need inpatient psychiatric care

or worse

this is almost certainly why glimpses of the openness, interdependence, and emptiness of existence terrify me so much

realizing there is no "other" or "me" means i can't hide from "judgement"

the idea of hiding who i am out of fear of being judged completely breaks down

there's nowhere to hide

it can be liberating

or it can destroy you

the difference between me being liberated or destroyed seems to be how much i've built up or let go of my defences against the other

as i write this i've failed once again

i've been seduced, as Gournamond warned Parsifal not to be

this is where my train of thought breaks down

where i again come back to the working basis of fear

and begin again in the irreconcilable pursuit of letting go of the barriers i have constructed between me and the other

this is also where this post will likely end

thank you if you read this far

i hope you got some use out of me working things out

moreover, i hope it inspires you to work things out for yourself

everyone's journey is beautifully unique

i wish you the best of luck on yours

my influences in writing this

certainly many friends and family have influenced my thoughts here more than any books or articles i've read

it's because of them that i can see a way out of my suffering

more specific influences include the works of Pema Chodron, Chogyam Trungpa, as well as "He: Understanding Masculine Psychology" by Robert A Johnson and especially "The Self-Love Workbook" by Dr. Shainna Ali, which I seriously began my journey in using today

thank you and take care